I decided I would do one lst round of clomid and metformin. After that, no more. I couldn't continue the up and down roller coaster. It was just too much for James and I.
The rest of the Journey went something like this:
April 27th, 2008:
We're pregnant!! After a year and a half of trying and four early losses (not including Kayla's twin and the pregnancy before Kayla's) we're pregnant again. Things are going great so far, but we'll know more in the next few days. If I can just make it through the next two days things will look great (I haven't made it that far since Kayla). I was going to surprise James but ended up starting to cry. He asked why I was upset and I showed him the test. So much for a big surprise, lol. We're both super excited and couldn't be happier.
April 30th:
I just got back from my first prenatal apt. It went great. Everything is looking really good so far! I'm having my first ultrasound in just 2 weeks!! We're hoping to be able to see the heartbeat by then, but may not be able to. As long as there's a yolk sac and fetal pole things will be good! Our first beta just came back at 47. I thought it would only be around 30 based on ovulation date and probably implant day (nice dip in my chart) so it sounds like a nice healthy little bean is in there! I go in Friday for another beta to make sure the number goes up (it should double every 48-72 hours), so anything above 80 would be great (I'd like it to be over 100 though, but it would be just fine in the 80's or 90's)
May 2nd:
We got our second beta number back last night. It was 152!! The first number was 47, an acceptable seond number would have been 80-94. So that number is great!! now the 2 week wait for our first u/s begins!!
June 4th:
We had our second ultrasound on Monday morning. At our first us we coud see a nice gestationa sac and a yolk sac. Well, Monday we got a GREAT view of the baby!!! S/he was very co-operative with us this time. The baby was looking right at us (see us pic. in photos). We got to see it's little arms and legs. It's FAT little belly and it's alien face. But best of all, we got to see the heart beating. And it was a good strong rate at 180!!! It was moving around a lot :O) Maybe it's another little girl! :O) We got to listen to the heartbeat and it was the best sound in the world!! We are able to breathe a HUGE sigh of relief as the risk for miscarriage is now less than 3%, although we are well aware that a lot can still go wrong. We continue to pray for this little one and hope it all turns out ok.
June 27th
At my apt. I asked the nurse about a NT scan. She didn't even know what I was talking about!!! As it turns out, they don't do them there, period. They send you for a blood panel at 18 weeks and if anything comes back odd, then they send you to a radiologist. So I figured, ok I wont get to see the baby. Then the doctor came in and said, lets just go do a scan rather than chasing the baby around (with the doppler). So off we went to the u/s room and we got to see and hear the baby. S/he was in there just wiggling away. The baby was looking at us most of the time and then right at the end, s/he turned his/her head and we were able to get a picture of his/her face (profile). I go back in a month for a reg. apt. and because I mentioned a nt scan, they're going to set up a 'anatomy??' scan at a radiologist between 18 & 20 weeks and check out all the organs, sex of the baby (which they would normally do in office), ect. Oh, the baby is also measuring at 12+5, so it had a little growth spurt! But since we know the day I got pg., we're not changing the due date.
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