Nov. 11th, 2008:
a week ago I was in L&D after losing part of my mucus plug. I went into labor while at the hospital. My cervix dilated to 2 and I was 75% effaced. Then it stopped just as soon as it started! So they said I could go home as long as I stayed on bedrest. At my apt. on Thurs. I had an NST. Ben's heart rate wasn't responsive. He was cutting off his own blood supply :O( So the doctor said just 5 more weeks!! I have an NST once a week from now on. So, stay put little boy just a few more weeks! We're down to only 4 weeks!! YAY!
Nov. 18th:
My apt. went great today. My BP was the lowest it's ever been and Ben's HR was actually responsive! So they said that at this point they will let me go until 39 weeks!! Because of my prior c-sec. they said they will NOT induce me, period. IF I go into labor on my own any time after the 1st of Dec., they wont do any thing to stop it and I get to have my VBAC if things progress normally. IF I can get to 3 cm dilated before 39 weeks they will break my water and I can have a VBAC if everything is going well. If I do not dilate (I'm still a fingertip, so I hope this isn't the case) and I make it all the way to 39 weeks, Ben will be delivered vis c-section on Dec. 29th! So the LAST day I will be pg. with Ben, at the latest, is the 29th! I'm sooooooo excited to have a date on paper. Obviously I hope it doesn't come to that and I do go into labor on my own prior or I do dilate, but if not, then it's a repeat section on the 29th.
Nov. 26th:
My apt. went ok. I didn't need an NST because they were able to see him 'breathing' a lot, so that was good. His growth has slowed WAY down and he's now measuring behind. He has been measuring big since like 18 weeks and because of the BP meds. I'm on, he SHOULD be on the big side (which is why they did this scan). My fluid level was also low. So it's something new they need to keep an eye on. He weighs 4 pounds 12oz. and is a week behind overall. Considering just a few weeks ago, he was measuring several weeks ahead, that's a big slow down, when he should be growing a lot right now.
Dec. 3rd:
Did I mention that I fell down the stairs today? Well I more landed on my butt and slid on my side a little. I have a LONG cut and bruise from it and they had to place the band from the NST around it. So Ben's movement had been WAY down the last 2 days and then the fall today, every one was pretty concerned. I get hooked up to the machines (Ben had been moving about since lunch) and he was ALLLLL over the place! His heart rate went OVER 200 several times. NOT normal for him. It took almost an hour for it to come down to his normal range. So then, no longer worried about that.... but then he wasn't responsive at all. Then he went to sleep (he was pooped after all that running around in there). UGH! So I had to drink water, eat crackers, ect. I was there for 2 hours on the stupid machine. But he passed, finally, and barely. But hey, passing is good enough for me! So now at next week apt., even if he fails horribly and I have to have an emergency c-section that day (good lord I hope that never happens), I wont have to get transfered to Anch.! We wont need the NICU or anything, so we're good to go! They start to check my cervix next week too! YAY! I can't believe I'm almost done and I'm about to meet my son! Oh, after he calmed down a bit he got MASSIVE hickups for 15 min. They were so loud the machine had a hard time getting his heart rate over the noice, lol. So all up and down the halls you could here him hickup. It was the funniest sound! I've felt them a LOT, but have never heard them like that. The nurses were all laughing at him, lol. They also nicknamed him 'wild child' since EVERY time I go in there for an NST he's allllll over the place, but never reactive. He's so naughty The nurses all know who I am (even though they have 9,000 pts.) since EVERY time I'm in there, he gives them such a hard time. So I had one of my reg. nurses today and all the others I see popped in to say hi and laugh at Ben.
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