Thursday, July 1, 2010

Spina bifida

Let me start out by saying that I know life wouldn't life with out problems. That what makes life, life! Things would be boring and slow if we didn't have problems and hurdles to overcome. Each day we face problems big and small: What to wear, the traffic backup making us late for work, the jerk of a boss that wont get off your back, the kids fighting, your husband being an ass about the small things, or just not feeling well. I get it. I get that life is full of different problems. But some days present you with bigger problems than others..........

As if life wasn't full enough for us (just trying to stay pg. long enough to deliver a healthy baby), we found out today that our DD probably has spina bifida. Not only does she most likely have it, but she's going to need surgery on her spinal cord before it causes her more problems (severe back pain or paralysis). This something that her peds. back in GA knew about, but did nothing about! They were of the attitude of 'we'll just watch it.' A simple u/s would have shown if she had it or not. She is now having problems from it and something has to be done. She's only 4. I can't imagine the complications that would arise as time went on.

Is it the end of the world? No. Will she pull through this with a smile on her face? Yeah, she will. She's an amazing little girl with a heart made of sunshine and butterflies. But some days, you just don't want to find out there is yet another battle in front of you and that it involves one of your children.

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