Friday, February 6, 2009

I'm going to 12's

J comes home the other night and says they have to start working 12 hour shifts.

They've deployed SO MANY people out of his shop that there's no one left. J is one man deep (as in he's the only one!) in his section, doing a job it takes 3-5 people to do. So he's over stressed as it is, not they have to start working 12 hours on top of it?? The morale in that shop is going to hit rock bottom, and fast.

They keep getting tasked (asked to deploy people). So who is in charge of that? Why doesn't who ever is in charge start to turn them down? Why do they keep saying 'sure, we'll send more people'? I just don't get it. Where's the logic? I'm obviously missing something.

They're getting in some 'newbs' (new guys, fresh out of basic training) over the next 20 days and a few people are PCSing up here.

On an up note J said that they're starting to close down some bases over in the middle east. There really IS going to be a pullout. But do you think the MSM is going to cover it? No, because they'd have to give the Bush admin. credit that the surge worked. Go figure.

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